Why you should change your current OS to Linux OS
The operating system has been in existence since the 1990s and its taking over the technology world.
Besides been the widely used operating system, Linux is one of the most reliable, secure and worry-free(virus free) operating systems available.
I hope this piece will convince you enough to join the Linux community.
What is Linux
Linux is an open source operating system based on UNIX. Linux is a software that sits underneath all of the other software on a computer receiving requests from those programs and relaying these requests to the computer's hardware.
Linux like other operating systems has a graphical interface, softwares such as word processing, Image editors which you can accustomed to use. About 80% of the interaction with the system is done on the CLI (Command Line Interface)
Because Linux is open source, there are many distributions ( flavors)(different forms of Linux environment). Open source means it source code is available for modification. This resulted to it many flavors
Components of Linux
Before an OS can run and execute functions it ends to have some components necessary for it. Linux have this components needed to be called an OS. These components are Kernel, Shell and Programs.
Here is brief explanation on the components.
- Kernel: The kernel is the core part part of the OS. It is resposible for many activities of the OS. it interacts directly with the hardware, which provides low-level services like providing hardware details to the system.
- Shell: The shell is an interface between the user and kernel, it hides the complexity of functions of the kernel from the user. it accepts commands from the user and performs the action.
- Programs: Programs are collection of codes or instructions that can be executed.
Linux Distributions(Flavors)
- Red Hat ( Leader in Enterprise Linux) mostly used in the corporate environment. You pay for support. Download RedHat remember to subscribe before you can use their service. CentOS has all those free.
- CentOS - its the exact copy of Red Hat with no support (our mean focus) Download CentOS 7 Download CentOS 8
- Fedora Download Fedora
- Debian Dowload Debian
- Ubuntu (recommended for home desktop) Download Ubuntu
- Kali Download
- Mint Download
- OpenSUSE
- Arch
And many more. To Download your choice of Linux see this page Linux Flavors Downloads
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